1. Wave Blazer v.1.0.5
pass: ajie1987
2. Welcome To Hell
pass: ajie1987
3. Worms for Android
pass: ajie1987
4. Asphalt 5 HD
- On the eclair, completed a level 1 when loading the video will be right out. Time out simply go back asphalt 5 (if there is notification "can not play this video" quickly press ok, if fail try again until it works, after passing the level.
- or do resize all. mp4 into a resolution HVGA use video converter software on the computer, then replace all. mp4 with yg sdh on resize.
- Bug game: every incoming sms, force close. The solution set to airplane mode.
ekstrak data to sdcard:\gameloft\games\
pass: ajie1987
note: disable traffic data
fitting screens on the X8
Because X8 not multitouch, so the camera / back / option,
the volume can be used as a jump button.
notification if there cannot play video,
try the resize file to size intro.mp4 use 480x320 resolution video converter software
6. Bass Fishing Mania v0.0.1
Download apk
note: rename file *.zip to *.apk
7. Deer Hunter Challenge HD
data ekstrak to sd card to folder glu. Sdcard:\glu\deerchal\
pass: ajie1987
data traffic need disable
8. Eternal Legacy HD
put in the sdcard into sdcard:\gameloft\games\GloftELHP\
pass: ajie1987
1. when it is installed, extract the titanium backup.zip to sdcard into sdcard:\TitaniumBackup\
2. Open titanium backup app, locate the game, continue to restore the app+data
9. Gangstar: West Coast Hustle HD For Xperia X8
Download link mediafire
pass: ajie1987
copy folder gangstar to sdcard:\gameloft\games\
data traffic need disable
10. Heavy Gunner HD
apk pass: ajie1987
data copy data to sdcard:\Com2uS\com.com2us.HG
data traffic need disable
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